Friday, November 4, 2011

Broken Bottle of Beer

Last night, I decided to get a beer at Miller Time (the bar across from my apartment).  I figured, I know enough Korean to order a beer.  I can say 'I like beer" and "one beer please" what else do I need to know?  So I went out and did just that.  As I was sitting drinking my beer and watching Korean music videos thinking to myself how cool it's going to be when I go back to America and can say things like "I wounded my leg...I was in Korea" like an old veteran would (is that offensive?), I was approached by two Korean dudes.  Every guy in Korea is a dude, these are not real men (THAT is offensive).

Anyway, they start talking to me and they don't know any English.  So we're trying to communicate but our conversation is going something like this:  "Hi!  Uhhhh.....gaahhh...ummm.....uhhh...ahhhh" to my "I'm sorry, meinhamnida, I don't know much Korean."   However, through what was basically charades, I figured out they wanted me to go with them to the singing room.  Since I had nothing better going on and I knew the singing room was close by, I went along.

We went up the elevator to meet two of their friends, a couple, who were in the singing room.  They saw I was American (or white at least) and they ordered Spaghetti for me.  I tried really hard not to be offended by this especially because this was after I told them how much I loved Korean food.  Then, after I used my chopsticks to eat a portion of the spaghetti, they called the waiter and got me a fork.  This was after I said no to the fork multiple times IN KOREAN.  But they were trying to be polite I guess. 

It was soon afterward, when the two guys I met started spilling their drinks everywhere and knocking over, thus breaking, a bunch of glasses, that I realized how drunk these guys were.  This was when I realized I really need to learn the Korean word for 'drunk.'

So the one guy starts looking a little sickly, not wanting to get thrown up on, I went to the bathroom.  This is when I realized I need to learn the Korean word for 'bathroom.'  Not because, there aren't signs, but because the guys thought I was leaving and got upset.  So the one guy followed me and waited outside the bathroom.

I went back to the singing room and the one guy left.  Then the other couple started to leave which would have left me with the really really drunk guy.  So I was all PEACE OUT! And I started to leave and then the one guy started yelling at the drunk guy to get ready to leave.  The drunk guy spilled his beer on the guy.  The other guy took an unopened beer bottle and smashed it on the floor (which the Korean dudes do often**) and that's when I bolted out of the room.  I started hitting the elevator button (how are there NO stairs?!?  That's a fire hazard).  The elevator was taking FOREVER so I hid in the corner until it came, then I jumped in and hit the close door button.  I just didn't want them to follow me and convince me to stay and hang out.  "Umm, yeah, you Korean dudes are crazy, I'm good thanks."

I want to stress that I was not in a bad situation at all, I didn't feel threatened, it was a situation that I could have, at any point, gotten myself out of.  (The previous sentence is written for my mother).  Korean dudes are not scary or intimidating, they're just weird.

**My first week in Korea, my two roommates took me to a local bar.  We're sitting there drinking our beer when these drunk Ageshis (old Korean dudes) start chucking full bottles of beer at the bar and they are smashing everywhere.  The people working did seem to care.  They didn't attempt to stop the throwing of beer bottles.  They did not seem concerned.  I can't explain this phenomenon.


  1. Thanks for the assurance note to your latest blog story..........

  2. Wow. That was scary. Never go out by yourself especially at night. Get your roommate to go out with you.

  3. How did I just discover that I can comment on these....HA!

    Anyway I think you have a type in the last paragraph. "The people working did *not seem to care."

    Not like it really matters. Just wanted to write something significant since I just realized I can write and comment in general.

    Glad you're having fun dude. Keep up the crazy nonsense! =)

  4. I cannot stress how much I love your stories.
