Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fan Death: You Are Die

So I have to admit how much I have come to love correcting my older classes' written assignments everyday.  Not because I like correcting papers.  On the contrary.  If I read the words "he is die" one more time all my students will die.  They won't "be die," they'll be dead.  I'm getting off topic.

Anyway,  it's fun because I inadvertently learn all of the silly things about Korea through these papers.  Today their topic was "What are some Korean superstitions and do you believe in them?"  (By the way, I just read Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation and now I'm super paranoid about my punctuation.)  Did I punctuate that correctly?  Again I diverge from the topic.  Help!

Some of the superstitions they wrote about were hilarious.  For example: don't cut your fingernails at night because then a goblin will come and eat them and the goblin will begin to look just like you so you'll have a clone.  Not gonna lie, that would be motivation for me to cut my fingernails at night.

Don't eat brown seaweed soup the day before a test because then you'll fail the test.  Why?  Because brown seaweed is slippery and therefore you'll be slippery during your test.

Don't sleep in a room with a fan on and the windows and doors closed or you will die.  Adults believe this one too.  For some reason their scientists haven't gotten around to debunking this one?  Silly Korea.

Using mix-matched chopsticks is bad luck.  The number four is very bad luck.  It's the numeral equivalent to our number 13 in that most hotels and apartment buildings don't have a fourth floor, they skip to five, like we do with the thirteenth floor in hotels.

It's very bad to write someones name in red ink.  It means they will die.

But my most favorite of all is this: water ghosts.  Apparently, water ghosts come from the ocean.  I don't know what they do or why they are different from regular ghosts.  But the two words next to each other really makes me laugh.  Water ghosts.  hehehehehe.

On another note, I figured out how to type in Korean on my computer!  멬 주 하 나 주 세 ㅛ!

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